Pupil Premium
Funded Entitlement for 3&4 Year Olds
All children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for up to 15 hours funded childcare across the week during term time and some 3 and 4 year olds are eligible to receive up to 30 hours funded childcare during term time.
When can your child access a funded place?
Children will receive the funded provision (15 or 30 hours) from the term after their third birthday as follows:
If they turn three in January, February or March they can have their funded place from the start of the summer term.
If they turn three in April, May, June, July or August they can have their funded place from the start of the autumn term.
If they turn three in September, October, November or December they can have their funded place from the start of the spring term.
All three and four year old children are entitled to 15 hours of funded Early Years (EY) education and childcare per week, across 38 weeks of the year.
- You can claim less than the 15 hours if you do not want to use the full amount
- A maximum of 10 hours can be claimed in any one day
- Your child can attend a maximum of two sites in a single day
How do I claim the Funded Entitlement?
- You must let your provider know that you would like to claim the funded entitlement and how many hours you would like to claim each week.
- Your provider will give you a ‘Parent Declaration Form’ for you to fill in, and they will claim funding on your behalf from the local authority for the funded entitlement.
- Each term, providers have a deadline for claiming this funding. The local authority may not be able to fund a child who has not taken up a funded entitlement place by this date.
- You will need to specify at which provider(s) you would like your child to take their funded entitlement place and how many hours you would like to claim at each provider.
- Funding is for a minimum of half a term; if your child moves to another provider during a term then you need to inform the new provider as soon as possible, to see if there is a place available.You may not be able to claim the full entitlement if your child moves setting mid term.
It is important that parents tell us if they are eligible for pupil premium funding as we can use it in ways which benefit the family particularly.
For the academic year 2021 - 2022 we have so far received £200 which has been used to support children attending additional hours beyond their entitlement.
For the academic year 2019 2020 we received £1000 in pupil premium money. Concentrating on our desire to build strong communicators in children a teacher attended a 2 day makaton course and is now teaching the children signs and also attended SCERTS training. He is now training the other staff in this approach.
All other monies have been used to pay for additional sessions and lunches for those children who need it.
For the academic year 2018 - 2019 nursery received £2500. This money is given to allow schools extra capacity to support pupils with teaching and learning. In nursery we strongly feel that allowing children to access additional sessions and using the money to pay for meal times is important.
In this year we used £1500 to provide additional opportunities for children to attend extra nursery sessions and have lunch in a social environment with other children.
We used £200 to train two members of staff in Portage, a way of supporting families of two year olds with additional needs. This meant that children coming in with lower baselines could be supported at an appropriate level.
We also used £800 to purchase Tales Toolkit, a way of teaching that is proven to develop speech and language skills in children with poor communication skills. It provided 5 hours of training for staff and all staff accessed it. We have seen great outcomes from using this approach.
For the year 2017 - 2018 St Paul's Nursery received £2410.73 to improve teaching and learning for children who are eligible for pupil premium.
With agreement between the headteacher and parents £2000 was used to allow children to access longer sessions at the nursery who would not have otherwise been able to afford it. This ensured that children left us ready for school, having experienced longer days in a setting.
£410.73 was used to train a teaching assistant and allow time off timetable for her to increase her knowledge and skills when working with children with speech and language difficulties. This has meant that the school has been able to work in small groups and one to one with children who have difficulties around vocabulary, pronunciation, understanding and sentence formation.
For more information on eligibility for EYPP please speak to the admin team.